Sunday, January 31, 2010


RANDOM kid thought for the day:

When I tell my kids hey, I'll do this_____, then I'll take you out to eat, to the movies, to whatever, they don't seem to care or listen... My blank is usually filled with words like "get ready" "put clothes on" "stop doing what you're doing and do what I tell you to do." I can't understand why not listening to me or SugarBear and continuing to blankly stare at a tv or play with whatever toy thing that's occupying their current state of attention seems more important than us. I mean when I was a kid and it RARELY happened this way, but, had my Ma come in to my room, or just one that I was in at the time, and said, "Hey get dressed and we'll go see a movie," I was in clothes regardless of a matching status, and was ready to rock and roll, the movie itself didn't matter so much. So why, fast forward 20 years and my kids really couldn't be bothered by listen in order to do cool shit. I feel like somewhere along the way, I blurred the lines of Dad and buddy. I feel like when I talk they seem to think that I'm not entirely serious, or that I don't mean what I say.

Yesterday for example, Boudreaux shot Buttercup with an air-sof (wtf-ever on sp) gun. She had this lump on her back where he shot her, it was raised and feverish. He was giggling about it. I said, "Son... WHY!" He tells me, my friend said it wouldn't hurt. SO Without a hesitation, I took the gun from this kid that told my son it wouldn't hurt and I shot my son, in the back of teh arm. He SCREAMMMMMED like holy hell. HE said he was sorry for shooting Buttercup and he wouldn't do it again. But here is another related issue. I am against giving kids guns, toy guns that is. I understand, that if you don't, boys will at the very least make a crude gun out of a stick and pretend it's real. But I finally caved after years of not allowing them, i got my kids Nerf Dart Guns for Christmas. The very first dart my son shoots, hits my daughter, Buttercup in the fuckin eyeball! Totally an accident, but it was almost immediate and I was freakin out about toy guns in the house. I am not some pacifist or some goofy guy completely against weaponry or fighting or violence even, I'm not. I'm a War veteran, I've seen the real shit that movies wish they could emulate and trust me, they don't and can't. But did I open myself up to my son shooting my duaghter with the air-sof because I let them have Nerf Guns?

Friday, January 29, 2010


Okay ya'll listen up, I don't misspell a ton of words when I type, but, for some reason when I type teh word "the" I screw it up, I think I type "t" "h" "e", like every other person, that's how I learned how to spell teh word teh, but for some strange reason, I seem to type it all retarded like that teh.... If anyone knows the cure for my disease, hit me up with teh antidote, i seriously don't know if I'll have any sort of dignity if I can't spell teh word teh...THE....

I took the required typing class in teh 7th grade, on a typewriter, the really old kind that Bugs Bunny used in teh 1940's Warner Brother classics! Old.... I learned where to put my fat lil fingers and did I really ever type that way? Nope, I "hunted and pecked" which she HATED, she, the teacher, I got yelled at daily, but I was typing faster than most other teh kids in that class and acing the typing tests.... did I ever take another typing class? nope, I just type all ass backwards, my left hands is to teh left of teh keyboard with my fingers hovering over teh keys waiting to strike the keys left of the r-d-c buttons, everything right of the r-d-c buttons, is teh property of my right hand.... yeah, I know it's jacked up typing, but I've been doing it for 15 years, this is like Tim Tebow's retarded throwing motion, it ain't gettin fixed.

So as you read my blogs, if you notice or come across a misspelled THE, as seen like TEH, get over it, it's a word, besides you and I both know if you're gettin hung up over that, I don't want you readin this shit anyway!

First Blog...

So this is my first shot at blogging. Bare with me, it'll be a rough take off, but it'll be smooth flyin after I get it under control. If you are reading my blogs, don't be easily offended. There will likely be potty mouth language, there will be sports talk, politics, parenting chit chat, and the ever popular, what ever the hell is on my mind stuff. And that folks is likely to be where the troubles will be. I'll use this forum to vent about all sorts of stuff, work, kids, finances, the wife.... yup sorry SugarBear... My Indianapolis Colts, Texas Longhorns, My UofM Wolverines, and My Detroit Pistons, Red Wings and the lowly Lions.... Have fun reading, It should be fun! Thanks for stoppin by.

Wherever you are, thanks for making me apart of your day- Colin Cowherd